“I have flown in non-commercial aircraft just enough in my life to know when a true professional pilot regards the duty of flight instruction to be of the utmost importance to everyone involved in the experience. Jamie Pittman, is that true professional. From every aspect of the flight, preparation, communication, taxi, take-off…you name it, he will teach you, not just instruct, but thoroughly teach you. If you can absorb it all, you too will become a true professional. And along the way, you can become as a child again, reveling in one of human-kinds greatest achievements – powered flight. Thank you Jamie for allowing me yet another opportunity to enjoy God’s great theme park in the sky. Disney’s got nothing on real flight. It’s the best thrill ride ever – no lines, no bad food, and no crowded streets.”
Contact Us
Fill out the contact form below and you’ll hear back from a knowledgeable member of our team within 24 business hours.
You can find us at…
825 W. 20th Ave.
Oshkosh, Wi, 54902
ATTENTION ALL PILOTS: If you’re flying in, inform ATC that you’d like to taxi to Discover Flight. They’ll take you to the north end of the airport, and we are located in a big blue hangar at the November 4 Foxtrot intersection.