About The Founder

As an FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), Aviation Entrepreneur, and all around Airplane Geek, Jamie aspires to provide the resources, support, and mentorship for anyone who wishes to begin or further themselves in the aviation industry. At 13 years old, Jamie was given the opportunity to take his first flight at a small airport in central Georgia on an Independence Day evening, and it was then that he found his new home, and it’s been nothing but a romance ever since.
Now, he has been aviating for over fifteen years, possesses multiple certificates, ratings, and endorsements, has accumulated experience in more than one hundred types of aircraft over his more than three thousand hours of flight time, earning a respected name amongst his peers. Furthermore, he feels most at home while inverted, smoke on, and loves nothing more than to express himself in the form of aerobatics, which is a central aspect of his focus in aviation. He began flying aerobatics as a student pilot, slowly accumulating training from his mentors and instructors, one being a career Navy test pilot, the other a former airshow pilot. Since then, he has gone on to train with some of the greats, including 3 time U.S. National Aerobatic Champion and National Aviation Hall of Fame Inductee, Patty Wagstaff. Jamie has had the pleasure of working with children and young adults from all over the country and abroad educating them in both formal and informal settings as a Young Eagles Flight Leader and Summer Camp Instructor with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). Before moving on to other ventures, he flew for a skydiving company contracting with military demonstration teams at airshows, and on occasion would work with commercial aerial photographers to bring quality aerial images to a variety of clients.
Jamie founded Discover Flight, LLC, with a powerful but less than common philosophy; flight training or any other service received here will carry a “grass roots” element, as he strongly believes that the aviation community needs to go back to the basics in the learning environment. His central focus in the pilot education arena is Loss of Control (LOC) prevention, and proudly serving as an FAA Safety Team Representative, he is making a difference one pilot at a time. Inspired in part by the late Ron Alexander of his home airport, Alexander Memorial (Peachstate Aerodome), Jamie and Discover Flight, LLC will always strive to bring back growingly rare or challenging aircraft, create exceptional pilots, provide quality and family like business interactions, and to preserve the legacy of the kind of aviation Jamie knows best.